
The intrinsic porosity and modular properties of microgel materials have been shown to improve mass transport diffusion, cell-to-cell interactions and cell migration/infiltration. In addition to these biological advantages, microgel-based bioinks have shear-thinning and shear-recovery properties that are suited to extrusion bioprinting. A simple, straightforward, and fully biocompatible production of 3D micro-structured hydrogels using a mechanical sizing device has been developed, together with a variety of crosslinking methods (i.e., enzymatic, light triggered or chemical) to secondarily anneal the microgels together into a larger and more porous structure. These advanced materials are currently used in cartilage and muscle engineering applications.

Microstrand Bioprinting: B Kessel et al. Adv. Sci. 2020



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Dr. Anna Puiggali-Jou
  • HPL J 15.2
  • +41 44 633 37 13

Gewebetechnol. und Biofabrikation
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8093 Zürich

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